Do you audibly sigh every time you have to log on to what feels like your thousandth Zoom meeting of the day? You’re not alone. While we’re all more or less used to video calls and meetings being [...]
No matter where in the world you log in from—Silicon Valley, London, and beyond—COVID-19 has triggered a mass exodus from traditional office life. Now that the lucky among us have settled into [...]
Strong in-person leadership skills don’t necessarily translate to being a good virtual leader. Instead, organisation and competency reign supreme. Read Full Article via BBC.
No matter your personality type, we’ve all found ourselves immersed in unpleasant conversations. Not only can navigating one’s way through difficult discourse be uncomfortable, but it can also be [...]
In these unprecedented times, comprehensive wellbeing (mental, emotional, physical, financial and professional) in the workplace is so important. How we support ourselves, and how we support [...]
When the coronavirus pandemic erupted, companies had to change. Many business-as-usual approaches to serving customers, working with suppliers, and collaborating with colleagues—or just getting [...]
Many businesses are asking employees to work remotely as the COVID-19 outbreak spreads, but can they stay productive? Read Full Article via World Economic Forum.
One day, the virus will subside. It could be eradicated. But even then, life will not simply return to the way it was before Covid-19. Spurred on by the coronavirus crisis, architects have been [...]
Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, business travel has ground to a halt. We’ve moved critical client meetings to Zoom, allowed our frequent-flier cards to gather dust and learned how to communicate [...]
To say the field of human resources has gone through a few changes in 2020 is somewhat of an understatement. HR has gone through a sweeping transformation that has turned it into something better [...]